Monday 6 February 2012


Hi All

Well I am not going on the scales, because I have pigged out over the last few days and am feeling fat, with jeans feeling tight.

This will have to be a strict week for me.

Where are you guys at?

I'd like to share some info with you about lemons and how great they are for you.  Read this post (not by me).

Sorry that I did not open the linky last night but I had an early night - went to bed with Aaron and stayed there.

Over to the Linky.  If you are here for the 1st time, you simply write a relevant post and add a link to the post to the linky below.  We'll all come and have a read and give you some Mumentum style support of your losing the Mum Tum journey. Grab the code below and add it to the bottom of your post and then it's a blog hop.

We are sometimes found tweeting on Twitter on the hashtag #Mumentum.

Liska xxx